Kekova Diving Tour

Kekova Diving Tour

Kekova Diving Tours Are Completely In The Kekova Region. Trial Dives Diving with Certificate. Diving is done as a group.

 Kekova Diving Spots

 + Antrum

 + Blue Cave

 + Lighthouse

 + Wall

 + Curved Harbor

 + Iberian Coast

 + Rock

 + Put

 + Cave

 + Reff

 + The And

 + Sailing Ship

 You can get information by contacting us and make a reservation.

 You can discover the mysterious life underwater by diving in Kekova, which is a natural and history paradise.  Unfortunately, diving is only allowed in the southern part of the island for now in the region where the sea water temperature is 28 degrees.  Diving tours usually depart from Üçağız Village of Demre and dives are divided into certified and trial dives.  For those who have not dived before, first lesson is given by professional divers and then they move towards the diving point.  There are 23 points in the Kekova Region for diving.  These are the Blue Cave, Antrum, Lighthouse, End Point (The End), Iberian Coast Wreck, Kabay Bay, Eğri Liman, Reff and Snail Bay.  Blue Cave takes its name from the blue color created by the light that seeps in.  Abundant coral formations are encountered inside and outside the cave.  Also, depending on the season, you can come across shrimp flocks in this cave.  The 32-meter deep Antrum Cave, which is one of the most enjoyable diving spots in the region, is located under the island and is a cave where advanced divers can dive.  There are amphoras at Deniz Feneri diving point, consisting of an islet with a depth of 30 meters.  The End is at the end of the diving route and there are hills descending from the diving point starting from a depth of 7-8 meters.  We can see stingrays in the sandy areas of End Point, where we can encounter many living species, Akya and Lambuka fish and shrimp juveniles during flock transition periods.  Another diving point of ours is the freighter named Iberian Coast, which sets off from Antalya to Tuzla.  It ran aground and sank due to a malfunction in its engines as a result of a severe storm.  The ship still has not lost its integrity and is one of the favorite spots for diving.  Kabay Bay is a place where diving from any profile can be done, except for training and promotional dives.  You may encounter stingrays, groupers and sea rabbits during dives.  Eğri Liman is also a diving point that appeals to all profiles.  Flocks of squid and flying fish are frequently encountered during dives in Eğri Liman, which is a wonderful bay in terms of sea life.  So if you are in Kekova for a deep blue holiday or if you want to come to Kekova, it would be nice to have a look at diving.  In this way, you will have a complete Blue Voyage by discovering both the history on the land parts above the sea and the life and history under the sea.

Tour Route

Instagram Directions